German version SEIR model calculator Parameters basic reproduction number R0 inverse average latency period a d-1 initial rate of recovery γ0 d-1 initial fraction of exposed E0 initial fraction of infectious I0 time for first change of parameters t1 d γ1 / γ0 für 0 ≤ t< t1 β0 / β1 for 0 ≤ t < t1 time for second change of parameters t2 d γ2 / γ0 für t ≥ t2 β2 / β1 for t ≥ t2 simulation time tmax d Plot S E I R E + I I + R log You have deactivated JavaScript. Calculate β0 / β1 = 5/3 γ1 / γ0 = 5/3 SIR model Reset Export SVG Export CSV Description of quantities and parameters: COVID-19